Hey! Where are your testimonials?

Sadly, I have no testimonials.

13 years in business, millions of letters sent, 1/2M re-invested in print and mail production equipment, tens of thousands of parcels posted, over a thousand customers, with nearly a hundred regular customers and I still don’t have a single testimonial. I’m not even on Google and refrain from social media. That’s terrible Mark. What’s wrong with you? Why are you not using testimonials to convince people to use your business? Is it because you feel that asking for a testimonial would bother your customers? Is it because you are worried about what a customer might say? Is it because you believe testimonials and reviews can be easily faked? Pretty much every business and product in the world has used testimonials at some point to convince people to buy and use theirs services and you’ve never done that in 13 years. That’s a bit weird don’t you think Mark? Weirdo.


Mark Prosser

0419 728 758

mark prosser