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Outlook for 2018

Today I start a new year with expectations for the business with continue to achieve year on year mail volume growth that the business has maintain since its inception in 2008.

There is much to do with the new website; with continued improvements in providing information, sharing knowledge and making the mail out process much easier for new and existing clients.

The website is intended to become a one-stop resource for all things direct mail, print and database processing with the intention that will help further grow my mail volumes into the future.

Web to Print component of the website needs to be implemented so that clients can create and design their own products online. This in itself will be a large project to complete as there is much to learn in this area of website development and for me it can be difficult to grasp sometimes.

With a new faster inserter with capabilities of DL, C5 and C4 inserting, I should be prepared for any kind of work that comes in the door. And with inserting rates up to 9,000 per hour, tighter turnaround times can be achieved.

This year will see the business purchasing a new cut full colour sheet printer and an envelope overprinter to help turn meet client deadline expectations.

It won’t all be plain sailing, just like every year prior there will be quiet months (which create a lot of stress) but these are the times where I will be focusing on the website to construct more content and products and organise the online shop better.

This will be an important year for the business and for myself personally as I will be pushing myself harder to have all these projects to completion by the end of the year.

Thank you and I wish you all the best for 2018.

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