About us Forums Press Releases Australian Print and Mail House begins accepting Cryptocurrencies.

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  • #1682
    Mark Prosser


    4th May 2018

    World First – Australian Print and Mail House begins accepting Cryptocurrencies.

    An Australian Mail House, Markis will begin accepting Cryptocurrencies as payment for mail house services beginning May 2018. Every day blockchain is becoming mainstream as more organisations accept and are experimenting in the innovative technology. Markis is embracing this modern approach to transacting and embracing what might become the future of payments.

    Markis aspires to be an innovative business and an early adopter and we’re using our decades of experience in Print and Direct Mail and finding opportunities and experimenting in new spaces, which already includes 3D Printing and C.A.D. In the past and still to this day, cryptocurrencies have been volatile. Markis anticipates a smoother and stable future as regulation, mainstream uptake and acceptance will push the transaction technology towards a more trustworthy future. Businesses like Markis that embrace innovation and change are building the foundations required to succeed as we depart the Information Age and embraces a new age of automation, robotics, algorithms and A.I.

    “I’m very excited to be embracing blockchain as new a payment option for Markis. Of course, I’ve accepted payments using PayPal in the past, but cryptocurrencies allow you to bypass the middleman, and their fees and transact directly in a peer to peer fashion. It’s just like cash, but digital; the transaction leaves one wallet and is deposited, in some cases instantly, into another.” said Mark Prosser, owner of Markis.

    Starting out in 2008 and formally known as Merge Print Mail, Markis rebranded in 2017 to reflect an enthusiasm for innovation and change. Markis has processed, printed and posted millions of letters across Australia and the world and seen it’s letter volumes increased year on years since its inception.


    For further media information please use the contact page on this website.

    Download MEDIA RELEASE in PDF format.

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