About us Forums Machinery & Equipment Astrojet M1 Edge Envelope jams on Sensor

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  • #1750
    Mark Prosser

    Astrojet M1 Edge Jam at Sensor

    Envelopes were running fine in portrait orientation – up until approx. 5,000 – 8,000 then envelopes started jamming in the machine. Initially I thought the jamming was occurring at the paper feed, but eventually traced it back to this sensor, in particular where the sensor cable meets the sensor PCB board. The temporary fix I came up with was to attach a clear piece of packaging tape over the sensor cable (no tape has been placed over the sensor) back to the input so that the envelope will slide over without getting caught. I have not attempted to tighten the screws.

    Now for some reason I can no longer run envelopes in portrait orientation – the machine reports halts feeding the envelope, which has to be removed by opening the print head. After several removals in a row, I then get a wiper temperature over sensor warning and have to wait for the machine to cool down….

    Detail of jam location, sensor and temporary fix;

    Astrojet M1 Edge Jam

    Sensor History;

    Sensor History

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