About us Forums Australia Post Price Increases

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  • #2001
    Mark Prosser

    Dear Business,

    Changes to Business Letter prices effective 1 October 2018

    I’m writing to let you know about price changes to some of our business letter services that will
    take effect from 1 October 2018.

    We appreciate that price changes are never easy for our customers and have limited the changes
    to an overall weighted average of 1.2 percent.

    Importantly, this will be the only price increase for business letter services for the 2018/19 financial

    Detailed below is a summary of the average price increases for our major business letter services:

    Service Average % Increase
    Presort Letters 1.1%
    Promo Post 1.4%
    Charity Mail 1.9%
    Acquisition Mail 1.6%
    Imprint / Metered 0.6%
    Clean Mail 0.6%
    Reply Paid 1.5%
    Print Post 5.6%
    Registered Post 4.3%
    Unaddressed Mail (published rate) 0.6%

    There is also no change to ordinary letter prices with the basic postage rate remaining at $1.
    These increases are part of our regular pricing review. Full details on these changes along with
    information about changes to other products and services, effective from 1 October 2018, are
    available at http://www.auspost.com.au/pricingupdates.

    We remain committed to the role of mail in supporting Australian commerce, and while we are
    processing fewer letters to Australia’s increasing number of addresses, we continue to invest in our
    unrivalled network to improve the products and services we provide to your business.

    If you have any queries about any pricing changes or would like additional information, please do
    not hesitate to contact your account manager or our Customer Sales & Service team at

    Yours sincerely,

    Gary Starr
    Executive General Manager
    Business & Government

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