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Scam ATO Automated Phone Calls

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Just moments ago I received an automated call from (03) 4309 4130 playing a pre-recorded voice message. Unfortunately, from the accent of the voice in the recording I immediately suspected a scam call and thought about hanging up. But out of interest I listened on and laughed when the voice threatened me if I didn’t contact a number urgently. That laugh immediately subsided into a realisation that these calls are targeted at the most vulnerable people in our society. After googling the number online, the phone number has been reported as a scam since September 10th 2017.

These kind of scams really concern me so I decided to reported the number to the ATO scam watch, but after a 10 minute call to the official ATO number I unfortunately felt it was a waste of time. The person on the other line, while very helpful was limited to pre-written questions and answers from a computer screen. While I was happy to complete their phone ‘form’, all I really wanted to know is that they were aware of the number and they are taking steps to stop it as soon as possible.

I typically receive a spam call once a month and my inbox receives a scam email on a daily basis. It appears to peak around tax return time. Eventually we’ll need to solve the problem of scammers or fix the way we do Tax Returns.

If you receive a phone call;

1. Get as much information as you can; names, company, phone numbers, etc.
2. Write down what they are requesting and reason – take your time, as them to repeat information. It gives you time to think and if they become angry just hang up.
4. Because scams change frequently try and keep informed.

If you want to you can report the call from your written information go right ahead.

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