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Automation of mail house processes

Picture this: Walking into a production room and saying, “Ok, let’s start a mail out.”

Lights switch on, machines switch on, servers and computers boot, software looks for a database and begins processing it, a digital job folder is created, relevant support files are generated, manifests are printed, tray labels begin printing, lodgement documentation uploaded to Australia Post…

Since the beginning of the year, I have been teaching myself several computer programming languages. And I am happy to report that as from yesterday, I have succeeded in automating some of the aspects above. Hundreds of hours invested for a few hours saved on each job. It does add up very quickly and so far, I am thrilled with the progress and look forward to putting it into practice.

Of course, there is still much more work to be done, but it’s a positive step in the right direction for future of the business.

Thank you for reading.

Kind regards, Mark.

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