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Do you sell my data?

Occasionally, new customers will ask what do I do with their data. In my mind it would be IRRESPONSIBLE for a new customer NOT to ask. It is a fair question and I am always happy to answer it. I have invested in, and will continue to invest a lot of research, thought, time, updating systems and processes to protect data. To put it plainly, my reputation and livelihood depend on it and I won’t be compromised.

I never have, and never will sell or use customer provided data for any other purpose other than mailing your letters, postcards, newsletters or flyers to it.

Here is a short list our data privacy and protection practices and procedures already in place;

  • Data is stored on an air-gapped, encrypted storage device, behind a secured, password protected PC – it is 100% secure and completely unhackable from the internet, guaranteed.
  • I take data privacy very seriously. I’ve worked for businesses where customer data has been accessible by anyone, and management was unconcerned when data privacy was raised; “It won’t happen to us”. This kind of attitude makes me angry and became part of the reason why I started this business.
  • It’s just me here, I’m the only person who has access to your data so it is very secure.
  • With automated processes I am currently building, the goal I am working towards is that even I won’t have access to data; only the physical output will be available.
  • Private information on physical samples, jams and return mail are shredded before recycling.
  • Implemented Australian Government ICT Security Manual 2014 – Controls for data erasure.

It has always concerned me that I might be missing out on work because of the perception that larger organisations are more secure;

It’s simply not true and the opposite is probably true. Just look at all the continuous data breaches surrounding Facebook; revealed on the day this post was written; another 540 Million Facebook accounts exposed. The fact is; the larger the organisation, the more people will have to access to your data. From sales staff, management, production staff and even third parties. They may even tell you otherwise just to reassure you, or use clever marketing to convince you.

All the best to you.

Mark Prosser.

0419 728 758

mark prosser


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